Year Archives: 2022

Tennis – a game that creates top athletes and good people

Why enroll your child in tennis? There are many reasons. At the "Match'n play" tennis school as the main one we like to point out that tennis is not just a sport that, with the help of our coaches, makes your child a top competitor or recreational tennis player but also a sport that shapes children into healthy, strong and determined people that possess iron will. From the moment he first steps on the tennis court, grabs a racket and serves, …

New Year’s gathering

Giving out gifts, reciting songs, dancing to music, performing the "tennis kolo" (kolo – traditional Serbian dance)…  All this happened at the traditional New Year's gathering at "Match'n play" tennis school. Although our main goal is to teach your children to play tennis, we are not just an average tennis club. We are a family. That is why before every New Year we organize a traditional New Year's gathering at our tennis courts. We give out sweets boxes that we prepared for …
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